What Can I Expect From a Dental Cleaning?

During a dental cleaning, here’s what usually happens: 

  1. Physical exam (the dentist will first inspect your teeth and gums, dentist will also ask you if there are any problems such as unusual toothache) 
  2. Actual dental cleaning (removing plaque and tartar through scaling and scraping) 
  3. Powerful brushing with toothpaste (you might hear a grinding noise because of the electric toothbrush) 
  4. Rinsing (the dentist or hygienist will give you the rinse so you can get rid of the debris from inside your mouth) 
  5. Applying fluoride treatment (this may or may not happen, if it does, it can help better protect your teeth from cavities) 

What happens during a dental check-up? 

Aside from dental cleaning, a dental check-up also usually happens, especially if you feel something’s wrong with your teeth or gums. A dental check-up might include several of the following activities done by a dentist: 

  • Examining for tooth decay, cavities, gum disease and their early signs 
  • Performing a dental X-ray (to detect problems with your teeth, jawbone and proper teeth eruption especially when it comes to impacted wisdom tooth) 
  • Checking the condition of your fillings, dentures, braces, etc. 

During or after the dental check-up, the dentist might also advise you about how to better care for your teeth and gums. It’s especially the case when you have gum disease that’s still in its early stages. 

What is dental deep cleaning? 

Aside from the check-up and usual dental cleaning, the dentist might also perform a deep clean. It’s more intensive than a regular clean because deep clean requires cleaning the areas under the gum line. This intensive procedure might require 2 to 4 visits and usually involves the following: 

  • Root planing 
  • Teeth scaling 
  • Dental polishing 

Deep cleaning is often done before periodontal surgery in treating advanced forms of gum disease. This can also help prevent the existing infection from further spreading. 

In most cases, a regular clean (once every 6 or 12 months done by a dentist) will be enough to protect the health and condition of your teeth and gums. If it’s your first time visiting a dentist or it’s already been a long time since your last visit, a quick dental check-up and regular clean can immensely help you protect your oral health.