A proper dental deep cleaning procedure will clean under the gum line and remove tartar build-up on gum tissue and teeth, that regular cleaning will miss. It includes a number of process such as root planing, teeth scaling, and dental polishing all of which can help the gums reattach to the tooth.

A deep cleaning may be done in 2-4 visits, depending on the severity of any problems. During the first visit, your dentist /dental professional will conduct a comprehensive gum chart (periodontal charting) to determine the severity of your gum disease.

This gum chart will help in your diagnosis and treatment planning. After this, a scale (clean) above and below the gum line is done to remove bacteria and build up from your teeth and root surfaces. This may be done with hand instruments or ultrasonic devices. Then your dentist /dental professional will plan the next visit, during which he or she will clean any remaining tartar from below the gum line.

Deep cleaning is often recommended as a step before actual periodontal surgery. This is because it can remove the tartar, which is a major cause of gum disease. It can also help to control the infection before surgery is performed or in many cases avoid the need for periodontal surgery once periodontal stability is maintained.

Deep cleaning teeth is a more intensive form of dental cleaning than a regular cleaning (also called prophylaxis). A regular cleaning is recommended every six months to remove plaque and prevent tartar build-up and essentially aid in the prevention of developing gum disease. However, if you have tartar build-up or periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning.

It is important to note that gum disease can develop from a wide range of risk factors, commonly poor oral hygiene, some medical conditions, smoking etc.

Deep cleaning checklist:

  1. Schedule a consultation with your dentist to discuss whether you are a good candidate for deep cleaning. Signs may include: bleeding gums, inflamed and puffy gums, tooth mobility, bad breath
  2. Follow any instructions provided by your dentist, such as abstaining from smoking or using certain dental products during the procedure.
  3. Be prepared to spend some time at the dental office for your deep cleaning, as it may take several hours or more to complete the procedure, we are very thorough!
  4. Aftercare for deep cleaning is important. You will need to keep the area clean by brushing and flossing regularly. Your dentist will give you tailored oral hygiene routine that will help you to keep your teeth and gums clean to aid healing.

Deep cleaning can be a thorough procedure, so be sure to check with your dental insurance provider to see if it is covered, however it is well worth the effort to avoid progression of gum disease.

The deep cleaning procedure is important to maintain healthy gums and prevent gum diseases progression which can lead to tooth mobility, tooth loss, bad breath, and loss of aesthetics. Be sure to discuss with your dentist how often you should have this procedure done to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Our deep cleaning services

Professional dental cleaning can be a complex and time-consuming procedure but is well worth it. At our dental clinic, we offer deep teeth cleanings performed by experienced and skilled professionals to help keep your teeth healthy and free from plaque and tartar buildup. If you are concerned about gum disease or want to maintain optimal oral health, contact us today to learn more about our deep cleaning services and schedule an appointment.

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