Is Deep Dental Cleaning Necessary? 

Deep cleaning can remove the build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth. This build-up has to be removed from time to time to better prevent gum disease and inflammation. 

To better understand what deep dental cleaning is, here are some of its advantages and disadvantages: 


  • Prevents gum disease 
  • Improves gum health 
  • Promotes gum healing and treats current infection 
  • Helps prevent tooth loss 


  • May cause gum recession 
  • Can cause nerve damage 
  • You might experience some pain and sensitivity 
  • Risk of infection after the cleaning 

Talk to your dentist about those disadvantages if you have any concerns. If the benefits (better oral health) still far outweigh the disadvantages, you might still want to consider having a deep dental clean on your next visit to the dentist. 

What is deep dental cleaning? 

It’s actually a bit different from the regular dental cleaning we’re used to. In regular cleaning, tartar and plaque are removed from above the gumline. On the other hand, deep cleaning works below the gumline. This can effectively remove the tartar and plaque trapped in the space between your teeth and gums. 

The procedure might require two or more visits (1 or 2 hours each). Aside from scraping away the tartar from below your gumline, the procedure might also require root planing where the dentist also cleans up the tartar in the roots of your teeth. 

Is deep dental cleaning painful? 

Does it hurt? You might experience some discomfort because the procedure requires cleaning up what’s below your gumline. And after the procedure, expect some teeth sensitivity, gum swelling and minor bleeding. 

This is a thorough procedure, which is why it requires some preparation. For example, you might need to abstain from smoking or stop using certain dental products in the duration of the treatment (might require 2 to 4 visits). Also, you will also have to plan ahead your schedule because the procedure might take several hours. 

If you require more information about this more intensive form of dental cleaning, you can contact us here at Sky Dental and book an appointment. This can effectively remove tartar build-up and help treat your gum disease and inflammation if there’s any. Our dentist might recommend deep cleaning if you have bleeding and/or swelling gums.