Is It Possible to Fix My Crooked and Uneven Teeth? 

Crooked and uneven teeth are actually common in both children and adults. Although it’s common and normal (teeth are crooked not because of damage and cavities), it might still affect how confident your smile is as well as how you bite and chew your food. It might also be affecting how healthy you are and how you pronounce words and talk with other people. 

In other words, crooked teeth can result in issues such as: 

  • Lower self-esteem (which can make you avoid interacting with people and affect how you carry out work, school and social activities) 
  • Speech issues (expressing yourself might be a bit difficult or uncomfortable) 
  • Excess wear on your teeth (misaligned teeth can cause jaw strain, chronic headaches and temporomandibular joint disorder) 
  • Periodontal disease (gum disease which results in infection that can damage both your teeth and surrounding bones) 
  • Chewing and digestion problems (food that wasn’t properly chewed will be hard to digest) 

Should you straighten your crooked teeth? 

If it affects your health and self-esteem, you can visit a dentist and know about your options. First, the dentist will identify what caused your uneven teeth: 

  • Poor oral habits (e.g. a child with a bad habit of thumb sucking can lead to misaligned teeth) 
  • Misaligned jaw (e.g. your upper front teeth protrude out farther than your lower front teeth) 
  • Genetics (one or both of your parents have crooked teeth too) 
  • Poor dental care (untreated gum disease and cavities might lead to crooked teeth) 
  • Facial injury (your teeth were knocked out of place) 

Then, the dentist will tell you of the best treatment options that can straighten your teeth such as: 

  • Braces (metal, ceramic or invisible braces such as Invisalign) 
  • Teeth-straightening surgery (might involve repositioning some of your gums and bones or realigning your jaw) 

It’s possible to fix your crooked and uneven teeth. It will take some time but once the results show, you’ll see a huge difference and this can boost your self-esteem and better protect your oral health overall.